Suppose you want to use Horizon Smart Policies with DEM and Horizon Client Properties.
In my example I want the End points which are joined to the Domain Lab.local allowed to use the Clipboard and all other End points not allowed to using the Clipboard.
When you opening the Smart Policies Conditions in DEM and look at the Horizon Client Property
You will see not many choices
I will show you what other options you have and how to configure it in the next steps.
First log in to a virtual desktop through the Horizon Client.
Open the Registry on the VD and go to this REG Key:
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware VDM\SessionData\1
Now you see all the options you have to use with Client Property in DEM Conditions and in my case I will use ViewClient_Machine_Domain.
Open DEM and Create a Condition Set.
Just type in Machine_Domain in Property and choose Is equal to then type your domain name (Lab.local)
Now that you have your Condition Set, create a Horizon Smart Policy and bind the Condition Set you created on this Smart Policy and make sure you enable Clipboard.
So if the user logs in through the Horizon Client on a device which is joined to domain Lab.local then is allowed to use the Clipboard.